Historical Patterns of Change and the Possibility of Optimistic Agency. By: Sohail Inayatullah. Optimism is hard to maintain in many societies today, especially when the future envisioned in the 1960s – what the macrohistorian Immanuel Wallerstein calls “the social revolutions of the 60s” – of a green, gender-equitable, peaceful, and progressive society, seems to be facing a major setback. Theories from thinkers like Sarkar provide insight into these patterns. He argued that the end of the capitalist era can be observed through multiple signs: extreme exploitation, growing inequality, and the rise of the billionaire class.
What is Prout?
The Progressive Utilization Theory (Prout) envisions a society where resources are shared equitably, the environment is protected and a high quality of life is guaranteed for everyone.
Recent Prout Perspectives
Economic Democracy Training: A first for activists local and beyond
From August 1st through August 6th a group of activists, co-op developers and permaculturists gathered for an Economic Democracy Training with the Prout Research Institute in Marshall, North Carolina. As the inaugural in-person program, and with a newly constructed building, the training was a warm welcome to a group of 17 individuals, and focused on studying the principles and application of the Progressive Utilization Theory, or Prout, as a way to achieve economic systems change.
Campaign for the Prout Research Institute
The Prout Research Institute is raising funds to complete construction of a 2,500 sq. ft building in Marshall, North Carolina, 30 minutes drive from Asheville. The building will enable research into the practical applications of Prout, and be a hub for staff and interns to live and work together. Located on the Neohumanist College of Asheville campus, it will also serve as the headquarters for Prout Alliance. Join us today!