Thriving People, Thriving Planet

Economic Liberation for All


Prout Alliance is a collective of organizations and activists dedicated to community based initiatives, solution-based journalism, and education around the Progressive Utilization Theory (Prout).

First introduced by Indian philosopher, P.R. Sarkar in 1959, Prout is a balanced economic approach, focusing on meeting basic human needs of food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care, while making efficient utilization of the world’s resources. 

Prout draws parallels from various movements: bio-regionalism, deep ecology, economic decentralization, economic democracy, cooperative economies and self-reliant community institutions and development. 

Our Vision

Prout Alliance envisions a world in which every person is free from exploitation and oppression, is guaranteed the basic minimum necessities of life through adequate purchasing power, and the rights of all plants and animals are protected. 

Our Mission

Prout Alliance is a network of activists committed to Prout and Neohumanist principles that promotes racial equity, social justice, economic democracy, and the conservation of the natural world.

Steering Committee

Nina Shapiro, Steering Committee Chair, Networking Group Liaison, PA Connection Newsletter Editor

Japa Buckner, Steering Committee

Mark Friedman, Steering Committee Secretary, Education Work Group Liaison

John Linkhart, Steering Committee, Finance Secretary, Membership Committee Liaison

Prakash Laufer, Steering Committee, Treasurer Wild Apricot  Administrator/Database Manager

Alex Jackimovicz, Steering Committee, Outreach Working Group Liaison

Nada Khader, Steering Committee, Outreach Working Group Liaison