Thriving People, Thriving Planet

Economic Liberation for All

Author name: Kathleen Kesson

Professor Sohail Inayatullah /sə'heɪl ɪnaɪʌ'tʊla/, a political scientist, is the UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies at the Sejahtera Centre forSohail Inayatullah latest photo Sustainability and Humanity, IIUM, Malaysia. He is also a Professor at Tamkang University, Taipei (Graduate Institute of Futures Studies) and an Associate, Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne.

The Prout Parliament Game

The Prout parliament game has four parts. Part 1 is an explanation of core Prout ideas in a futures context. Part 2 is a futures wheel process that develops the implications of key emerging issues. Part 3 is athe development of a checklist that is used to informed decision-making. And part 4…

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