Thriving People, Thriving Planet

Economic Liberation for All


Economic Democracy Training: A first for activists local and beyond

From August 1st through August 6th a group of activists, co-op developers and permaculturists gathered for an Economic Democracy Training with the Prout Research Institute in Marshall, North Carolina. As the inaugural in-person program, and with a newly constructed building, the training was a warm welcome to a group of 17 individuals, and focused on studying the principles and application of the Progressive Utilization Theory, or Prout, as a way to achieve economic systems change.

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Beyond Green Capitalism

Since the publication of Schumacher’s green classic Small is Beautiful in 1973, the world has not become any more sustainable or greener. Despite the popularity of everything green, the corporations are ahead of the game and finding new loopholes to pollute and to pay less tax to maximize profit.

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Housing and Prout

In a Proutist society, local and state agencies will establish a system of “no persons or families left behind” in terms of housing, reflecting the fundamental spirit of moving together as one human society. Community land trusts, housing cooperatives, or direct public investment in housing may be among the approaches used.

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Prout Anchor Exercise

It is often difficult to judge whether different proposals and theories in government, social media, or corporate media are credible and deserving of our support. Prout’s focus is always on what is benevolent for humanity and the planet. For this reason, we suggest using the following eleven criteria as a tool to help evaluate the worthiness of real world proposals.

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An Open Letter to AOC

Dear Representative Ocasio-Cortez,

We, the members of Prout Alliance, strongly support your work in the US Congress as a progressive leader and a fierce advocate for social and economic justice. We are inspired by your courage and eloquence in responding to the insults and hate speech from Mr. Yoho.

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The Prout Parliament Game

The Prout parliament game has four parts. Part 1 is an explanation of core Prout ideas in a futures context. Part 2 is a futures wheel process that develops the implications of key emerging issues. Part 3 is athe development of a checklist that is used to informed decision-making. And part 4…

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The Three Tiered Economy

Prout advocates a three-tiered economy including a privately-owned small business sector, a sector of cooperatives where most production and commerce will take place, and a sector of large government owned and operated firms. Let’s look into the rationale for each sector.

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Medical Care from the Prout Perspective

While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may be annulled during the Trump Administration, it is important to review why health care is necessary and what may happen without it. The United States continues to lag behind the rest of the developed world in its health care system, with outcomes ranging between 37th and 70th among nations in the world. This, in spite of the fact that America spends over 16% of its GDP on health care, far above what most other countries spend, usually 5-10%.

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